Art tube Blue
Art tube Blue Art tube Blue

Art tube Blue

If you are serious about your art, you want to store it in a safe way. Ever considered an art tube? You have spent hours on your fine sketches and illustrations. Store them in a tube like this from Monograph, so they do not get wrinkled and damaged. If you want to change your posters occasionally, keep them in this tube for later. The same goes for the drawings that your children made. They may not be the greatest artists, but their creations are precious.

Size.h: 65 cm, dia: 9.5 cm
Material: cardboard

559 Kč
Availability: In stock
Brand: House Doctor
Code: 402742020

House Doctor is a home doctor. This name is borne out by a very successful Danish designer company that is guided by the motto "Everybody deserves a thriving and healthy home." It was founded in 2001 by three siblings, the shrubs are also the main creative and designers of the whole society.

As he claims, he seeks to find the right "cure" for every home, with respect to the individuality and needs of each "patient", and to create a so-respected style for his own home. That's why House Doctor is very personal, but he is also provocative and informal. They believe in combining different elements and styles, rather than in perfect tuning.

As has been said, everybody can help House Doctor create his own distinctive style that will accompany him with everyday life.

The creators even warn with exaggeration on their site: " Our products are highly addictive and can cause heartbeat - even in small doses!"